Darren Westwood
Great Britain, Yorkshire and Humberside
About Me:
Technical Skills: Screenwriting, Script Editing and Directing.
My Work and Credits:
Binky, Help and Hold (2013)
A series of micro-shorts about a man who enjoys making bizarre phone calls.
Fun stuff:
Films I wish I had made:
Shaun of the Dead, Serenity, Batman Begins, In Bruges
I cried watching:
Ghost Dad
I left the cinema during:
I never have. I even endured Street Fighter the Movie. To this day, I don't know why.
Directors I love:
Edgar Wright, Christopher Nolan, Peter Jackson, James Gunn
Actors I admire:
James Stewart, Christopher Lee
Writers I Respect:
Stephen King, Martin McDonagh, Simon Pegg
My desert island discs:
Garth Merenghi's Darkplace, Big Train, Spaced
Books I have given my friends:
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
My death row meal:
Anything followed by cheesecake!
The best thing I own:
A pen and paper!